Eye Health
We pride ourselves on freely sharing our clinical excellence and expertise with our patients.
That’s why we’ll always advise you on your eye health and always have time to answer any questions you have.
Wondering if you need to book in for a check-up?
Check the informative sections below for more detail about some of the many eye health issues that we can help with.
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Flashes and Floaters
If you’ve never experienced it before and suddenly get flashing lights or things floating in front of your eyes, it can be quite alarming. Try not to panic, often they are caused by minor conditions such as:
- Migraines: can cause visual disturbances (flashing, flickering lights) and intense pulsing headaches
- Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD): natural movement of the eye’s surface and lining
However, if you do develop floaters or flashing lights, it can be a sign of sight threatening conditions so please contact us as a matter of urgency.
There are several different types of glaucoma which can affect people of all ages (although it’s most common in adults 70 and over). Many people don’t even realise they have it, as it’s often symptom-less to begin with. If not identified and treated in its early stages, glaucoma can lead to loss of vision. The only way to detect glaucoma is with a routine eye exam. Our practice has specialist screening equipment for detecting the early warning signs of glaucoma, allowing us to act fast and diminish its effect on your sight.
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Age-related Macular Degeneration impacts the part of the eye responsible for central vision, eventually damaging its ability to function properly. Common warning signs of AMD are:
- Reading becomes difficult
- Colours appear less distinct
- Finding it increasingly difficult to recognise faces
The two main types of this condition are Dry AMD (the most common and least serious version) and Wet AMD (more serious due to the rapid vision deterioration it causes). Both will require careful management and treatment from us.
Cataracts can sometimes develop in the lens of the eye, preventing light from fully reaching the back of the eye. This could make your vision cloudy or misty. Over time, cataracts become worse and have a serious effect on vision. Our experts can diagnose and recommend the best management, whether that be surgery or spectacle correction.
Dry Eye Syndrome
This is a condition where the eyelids become inflamed and irritated. Common symptoms include:
- Burning and red eyes
- Eyelids that stick together when you wake up
- Temporarily blurred vision, which usually improves when you blink
- Increasingly watery eyes
This is a condition where the eyelids become inflamed and irritated. Common symptoms include:
We have a fantastic treatment regime for Blepharitis, so if any of these symptoms sound familiar, please book in for a consultation.
- Eyelids become itchy, sticky, sore or red
- Crusty or greasy eyelashes
- Burning or gritty feeling in your eyes
- An unusual sensitivity to light
- Swelling around the eyes (particularly the eyelids)
- Discomfort with contact lenses
- Eyelashes growing unusually (or loss of eyelashes)
- A dandruff appearance on the base of your lashes